Hi There! 

I'm Sunny Jensen

If you are here then you are probably tired of having to ask your child 100 times before something gets done and when you yell - it's met with "MOM, why are you yelling?"

Come check out my FREE resources, trainings and action steps needed for you to grow your confidence, increase communication and reduce your stress building a strong foundation for your family (and your sanity.)


Grow Your Confidence

Increase Communication

Reduce Your Stress

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Parenting is hard work.

Doing it wrong is hard. Building an unbreakable family is hard.  Both take time and effort. Which hard do you want to do?

I remember that moment looking around my house with random messes (even wrappers on the floor!)  

I was exhausted. I just wanted a happier home with less stress and upsets. 

I envied my friends who could hire people and delegate cooks, cleaners, nannies.  I was wearing all of the hats.  We were not working together as one cohesive family!

Parenting may not come natural to all of us, but with some simple tools you can create a foundation. I'm here to help build confidence, communication bridges and reduce stress so you can have an unbreakable family. 


In this FREE guide you can follow 4 simple steps to getting your kids off screen time without losing it.  

I want you to have every tool possible to achieve success in your home! In this guide you get...

🧰 Four simple strategies that you will gain for your parent tool box.

🚀 Bonus worksheets to keep track.

🏆 Positive mindset drill to help you win as a parent.

Download Here

Did you know that a family, historically, is the strongest group?

They can make you or they can break you.

To make an  unbreakable family means understanding all the components. 

  • Have confidence in your parenting decisions. 
  • Know the components of what makes a family.
  • Have your own policies and procedures in place. 
  • Stop relying on a google search to solve your problems.
  • A predetermined discipline plan for the household - that you can stick to! 
  • With agreements in place, children will have prediction for their actions.
  • Less fights, more team player attitude.
  • Strengthening bonds and communication with common goals.
  • Helping each other accomplish personal goals.
  • Celebrating the successes!


  • Understanding and creating a more harmonious home life reduces stress and conflicts within your family.
  • Turning your children into helpers to create delegation.
  • Understood routines  with agreement get everyone on the same page. 
  • Those big goals being met and big celebrations make it all worth it!

I've walked the path you're on, striving for a happier, more cohesive family life.

I will never forget the day I sat in front of my doctor with my husband as he was looking over my test results.  He looked up at me and said, "I don't know how you get out of bed every day."

The stress in my life had taken over.  With tear filled eyes, I looked at my husband told him something has to change.

We became the strongest family I know. With family meetings, delegations, goals, household chores/hats and much more.

I'm about to hit 32 years of marriage this year.  My boys are happily married living overseas. And I have 15 years of experience as a teacher, principal and even home schooler. AND I am healthy!

Along the way I have always helped the families I taught and of course my friends. I never thought of it as a business, I always felt like it was my calling or duty to help.

I am putting together all of my knowledge and getting it out there.  You can take as much or little as you would like.  I'm here and would love to know your feedback! Or even more so, let me know what problems you'd like help with and I will do my best!

Join My Newsletter 

Get weekly strategies and tools to help you create an unbreakable family.


"I’ve known Sunny for well over 15 years. We met while she was the principal of an elementary school my son attended. Her encouragement, confidence, and belief that my son was going to do great things set the bar for me to believe this too.  And he has!  She helped us both a lot and was always a trustworthy person to bounce things off with no judgement." 

- A.C.

There are too many opinions going around that do not serve you.  For every family there is a version of parenting. 

Let's find yours...

Schedule your free :30 discovery call.  You talk. I listen and we create a plan to get you started.

Learn More

You Can Build Your Unbreakable Family, too!

Imagine having certainty on the hat of each family member, a discipline code that everyone understands, a dynamic team that accomplishes goals and everyone on the same page with a mission statement in place! 

No more misguided opinions. No more uncertainties. Focused goals. Increased communication. That feeling of accomplishment that you have the best family!

Listen in on the

Parenting Made Easy Podcast


(Coming Soon) 

Hello! I'm Sunny Jensen.

I have been helping families for over 25 years.  I am a retired principal and teacher, married for over 32 years and mother of two incredible (grown up) boys.

Now, I am a family coach. 

My purpose is to help you build a strong foundation so that you can have an unbreakable family. 




In this FREE guide you can follow 4 simple steps to getting your kids off screen time without losing it.  

I want you to have every tool possible to achieve success in your home! In this guide you get...

🧰 Four simple strategies that you will gain for your parent tool box.

🚀 Bonus worksheets to keep track.

🏆 Positive mindset drill to help you win as a parent.

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